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Entrepreneur 2018
Curriculum Vitae

(Valencia 1964) has a degree in Business Studies from the University of Valencia.In 1994 he founded JEANOLOGIA S.L., a company that he runs today and that in 20 years has become the world leader in green and sustainable technologies for the textile sector.He has focused on Jeanologia as a technology company applied to the finishing of garments, mainly the dénim, going one step further in the production of jeans.The way in which he transforms the textile industry is creating cost-efficient, sustainable, innovative, easy-to-use and safe products for workers.

Jury ruling

The jury of the Rei Jaume I Award for the Entrepreneur has decided that he represents a solid and unmistakable way the values ​​linked to the fact of entrepreneurship, Silla innovates optimizing the aging process of denim garments that was originally chemical, evolving it into a more sustainable one thanks to technology laser that he develops.

He visualized that the jeans would be the pledge of S. XXI Jeanologia is a business project builded from the observation and pursuit of a dream that improves our environment.
His is an entrepreneur passionate about work, effort, capacity for sacrifice and humility, someone who knows how to recognize that opportunities arise from mistakes and experimentation.
He represents the challenge of improving in our social environment from the generation of employment, wealth and provide high-impact technological solutions.