Prize Winners

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Protection of the Environment 2018
Curriculum Vitae

(Bilbao, 55 years old)  PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Cantabria and a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Delaware. He is currently Professor and Director of Research at the University of Cantabria.He has more than 200 publications in scientific journals and participates in the Special Report on Oceans (SROCC). He is founder and first director of the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics, dedicated to the integral water cycle: from basic research to its transfer to society and implementation in public policies. Losada's research is characterized by the integration of the atmospheric and oceanographic processes that configure the coastal dynamics with engineering and ecology for the protection of the environment. Its final objective is to contribute to the protection, reduction of risks and sustainability of natural and socioeconomic systems located on the coast.

Jury ruling
The jury of the Rei Jaume I Prize for Environmental Protection recognizes Dr. Losada for his important contribution to the improvement of the environment, as well as to the fight against climate change.
His studies on coastal dynamics lay the foundations for their protection.
Faced with the extreme events caused by climate change, it provides tools for taking measures for adaptation and mitigation.